Job Hunting or Job Instability in ZiWeiDouShu?

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Decoding Career/Job in Zi Wei Dou Shu

Are you not happy at your job? Are you looking for a new career?

Clients would ask questions if their job is stable, or if they can make more money in their daily job role. Some may ask if they are suitable to start a new business, or to invest in certain investments. All of these questions can be answered in their ZWDS destiny chart. To analyze these questions, we need to explore the Ten-Years Chart of the person in question. Luck, believe it or not, plays a role in a person’s destiny. However, many people do not know when luck is on their side (rising), or luck is going downhill at specific years of their life. It is best to grasp the opportunity when luck is on the rise, or to stay ‘under the radar’ when luck is low. Furthermore, if luck is not on your side, it is better to comply, stay focus, and be tactfully and happily content. Do not rock the ‘boat.’ Others may tell you to change your character, change your perception, or don’t complain about unfairness. The truth is, if an individual’s luck is low, there are some possible remedies to ‘fix’ the issue.

In Si-Hua Flying Star ZWDS, when the Ten-Years (Decade) Chart indicate an internal palace clashing into an internal palaces, then the ‘red-flag’ is almost certain. The instability of Career is highlighted. It does mean that in those Ten-Years, the Career of the individual is not smooth, and when we look closer (such as in the X-Ray), we can find the specific years, and the cause, that the affected palaces are most significant. Now that we are discussing on job and Career, lets look at when Decade Career clash Natal Career. When identical palaces clashing with each other, the signals are usually not positive. This includes career instability or a legal issue. However, to clash or not to clash defers from specific school’s of thought. These skills in deciphering the impact of signals are covered in the practitioner training program. There are several other ways to decode career instability as well.

Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart for Career Palace Analysis

The above example shows that the Ten-Years (33-42) Decade Career clash Natal Career. This is just one signal that the Career of this person is not stable, and furthermore, the Decade Wealth is not auspicious as well. There are several means of analysis as well in success or failure as revealed in your destiny chart.

How about you? Are you happy at your current role? Are you looking for a new job/career? Or which career path would lead you to happiness, be satisfied, and to create abundance in your life? You own it to yourself to create success and abundance for yourself. Knowing your personal life destiny now will equip you with winning in your life’s endeavors quicker and happier.

MetaPhysics Systems Zi Wei Dou Shu _ YouTube Channel

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