The Career Palace

The Career Palace

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The Career Palace reveals the profession of the person in question. However, not everyone works in the same field as indicated in their Zi Wei Dou Shu chart. In our experience, when a person works in the field according to their pre-determined destiny (in their Zi Wei Dou Shu chart), they are usually more successful than those whom are not.

A person’s Zi Wei Dou Shu chart offers clue to the field of profession most suitable according to their pre-determined destiny. If they follow as what is revealed, their success is achieve much more easily, and they are more happy in their career goals.

I encourage individual to find out which career line is most suitable for them to feel confident, achieve success, and be happy with their career. There were cases where an individual became a medical doctor (a respectable profession), but is not happy due to the heavy burden, legal responsibilities, and workload. They don’t enjoy their work at all. Therefore, when choosing a study area at a university, or to change profession, a consultation with the customized Zi Wei Dou Shu chart will offer clues to better success in life.

How about you? Are you happy with your job, and what you are doing to earn income?

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