Tian Xiang Star

Tian Xiang Star

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Tian Xiang Star in Zi Wei Dou Shu (Purple Star Astrology)

Tian Xiang Star Zi Wei Dou Shu Stars

The Tian Xiang Star is in the Southern group of stars, and is related to the Heavenly Visage.

Pros: Leadership ability, Conservative, Stable

Cons: Procrastinate, Vain, a weak wealth star

Element: Yang Water


Life/Self Palace: If Tian Xiang is alone at the Life Palace, the native has the potential to make money, but only through career and hard work.  The native is calculative in expenditures, and does not spend money unnecessary. However, the native is honest, loyal, and is stubborn to uphold integrity, and values. Justice and fairness is important to the native, and he/she will fight for the unlucky victims. As Tian Xiang is a mirroring star, the native may have two personalities, two minds, and two of most things in life.

Wealth Palace: The native can save money through conservative means if Tian Fu resides in the Wealth Palace. Therefore, savings can be achieved but the native is also prone to spending lavishly from time to time. The native is not an aggressive investor into speculative means. As a result, wealth is accumulated through savings, slowly but surely. Therefore, if Tian Xiang is in the Life Palace, and Tian Fu is at the Wealth Palace, the native can be wealthy through savings, and long term investments. Wealth can also be achieved through overseas career, and foreign investments.

Career Palace: In the Career Palace, Tian Xiang is suitable in a stable and conservative role/position.  The native can be suited to be in judiciary, political or educational offices. The native will have to work hard, and enjoys a stable career where wealth can be attained. As a mirroring star, two careers are possible as well, or duplication of career line is possible to generate wealth- similar to chain or franchising.

If Tian Xiang, Tian Fu, Zi Wei, and Wu Qu appears in the internal palaces, the native is usually blessed with enormous wealth, and life achievements.

If Tian Xiang resides in the Mental/Fortune Palace, the native lacks wealth capacity but holds a high moral character. However, the native appears to be content in life endeavors -poor or not, the native finds happiness in its own right. This is likely so because Po Jun is in the Wealth Palace.

Tain Xiang Star does not transform, it is susceptible to a ‘clash’ depending on the format of the destiny chart. Therefore, the Ten-Years (Decade) Luck needs to be analyzed to form positive, or negative events.

Where is Tian Xiang in your Zi Wei Dou Shu life destiny chart?

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