magnetic field

Can ZWDS predict natural disasters?

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Can Zi Wei Dou Shu (ZWDS) predicts death due to natural disasters, or man-made disasters?

Well… truth be known that ZWDS is a form of destiny analysis of an individual in relation to the limitations on the twelve (12) palaces (Life, Siblings, Spouse, Children, Wealth, Health, Travel, Friends, Career, Property, Mental, and Parents). There is not a palace for natural disaster, or of the unknown effect. Therefore, ZWDS cannot suggest major collective disaster faced by natural disasters, or man-made disaster (such as a missing plane, etc).
Decoding Disaster in Zi Wei Dou Shu

In fact, the environmental influences has greater impact to any micro-living organism on earth. The Universe can be unpredictable, but through the advancement of science and technology, a potential flood, tornado, storm, etc can be predicted.

However, for centuries many people may have died due to natural disasters. The question is… Are they destined to die in that way? The analysis of ZWDS is limited to the twelve palaces as indicated above. These palaces are inter-related to the life destiny of the individual. Macro-environmental events such as natural disasters are not included in the ZWDS destiny system.

Similarly, one may ask if ZWDS can predict collective death such as a bombed airplane (MH17), or a missing airplane (MH370). In the context of ZWDS, man-made disasters such as carelessness in technical issues of an airplane, flying an airplane through harm’s way, and the like, that causes collective death cannot be determined from an individual’s ZWDS destiny chart.

One may argue that ZWDS does refer to the magnetic field analysis to determine potential outcomes of an individual. However, in cases such as collective death due to major environmental natural disasters, or man-made disasters cannot be conclusive from an individual’s chart. It simply does not mean that all those on board a ship that has sank, or a plane that was bombed are magnetically pulled to die together either. There are infinite variants of external influences in catastrophic events.

Therefore, we cannot conclude that a person is destined to die in a collective plane crash or the like. However, we can predict if traveling can cause harm to the individual’s health (such as a car crash that could lead to hospitalization), but death is inconclusive.

The limitation of ZWDS is well perceived as a proven micro-analysis of the individual’s life destiny in relation to the twelve palaces. These inter-connected ZWDS palaces and their relationship are highly accurate. Natural disasters, and man-made disaster that result in death is beyond ZWDS. Living beings are still at the mercy of the external influences of the Universe.

If you have downloaded the App Book, you will read a philosophical concept in page 3 that at the end of it all “Tao follows the laws of Nature”.

MetaPhysics Systems Zi Wei Dou Shu 紫微斗数 – YouTube Channel